Archives for the month of: March, 2010
It came up again today. I was looking at some work, asked to critique a photographer’s website, and the photographs, some of them, sang out. Others did not. The ones that didn’t seemed literal to me, too much context holding them down into the world, unable to leap into imagination. The ones that did, the singers, jumped over what they are into what could be, into what flies in the imagination of the photographer. 

This quality … the abstractive, the interpretive, the not object but idea, is difficult to pin down clearly in words. 


I remember this morning from last year. A chilly morning in mid-October, fog all around me as I walked the silence of that fog shrouding the neighborhood. The crows even were silent, or as nearly so as crows can manage: they’re talkative little murderers. 

I stopped under these wires and watched them a while, there was a pattern to their movements, some side effect of pecking order I imagine, where they’d shuffle down the wire to a certain point then the one on the end would fly off, come around, and land on the other side. They cycled several times this way .. one of four singled out, moved, replaced again and over again. 

So … I was considering this and snapping a photo here and there thinking about it, the camera was ready, and I made this exposure with the one on the loop-around flight. 

It’s not simply a picture of something I saw, it’s a story in my head. The wires stretch across the sky like the strings of a musical instrument. The crows are notes, sounds on the score. The one that flies strums a rhythm with the beat of wings against soft air. It is singular, simply One of Four. And yet … 

Four crows, four wires. One in flight, three perched. Three thin, one thick. Symmetries, asymmetries. 

Someday I’ll find the way to explain it right. The photographs will have to do, for now. 

Photography Workshops Update 

I have a few seats available still for the April workshop at the Media Center. 

April 24-25 :: Creating B&W Photographs: A Digital Approach

A two-day, hands-on workshop exploring the creation and rendering of black and white photographs using digital tools. The workshop will encompass using both Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom in this free-form discussion with lots of hands-on time. You are required to bring your camera, your laptop computer with Photoshop and/or Lightroom, and your photos to work with. No prerequisite classes are required. 

Offered at the Media Center
900 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, USA

For more information and registration see the website 

Or call Dave Sorokach (650-494-8686) at the Media Center.

Or email me directly..

This is indeed an honor! Thank you, Ibarionex! Check out:

The Candid Frame:

A Photography Podcast: TCF – Listener Photo of the Week – March 24

I’m so jazzed!

I love my morning walks. The air is fresh and crisp, the weather can be clear or foggy, and the world is quiet. I can let my mind wander while my eyes are looking, watching for those moments that make the photos I like. 

I remember this day last September when it was foggy … these two guys talking as I had my coffee, illuminated by the light. I’d forgotten all about it until yesterday. As I was looking for something else in that time period, this photo jumped up and caught my eye.


So that brought me to think a little bit about this process of ‘discovering the forgotten’.

I have literally thousands of unprocessed photos. How about a “Picture A Day” project where I find one or another of my un-processed photos to present? I’m sure I could pull out a week or two worth of photos to post in advance so I don’t run behind. But whether to post them on this blog or create a new blog for them, or … hmm. 

I’ll figure it out in a day or two .. 

Photography Workshops Update 

Here’s what’s coming up on my workshop calendar in April …

April 24-25 :: Creating B&W Photographs: A Digital Approach

A two-day, hands-on workshop exploring the creation and rendering of black and white photographs using digital tools. The workshop will encompass using both Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom in this free-form discussion with lots of hands-on time. You are required to bring your camera, your laptop computer with Photoshop and/or Lightroom, and your photos to work with. No prerequisite classes are required. 

Offered at the Media Center, 900 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, USA

For more information and registration see the website

Or call Dave Sorokach (650-494-8686) at the Media Center.

Or email me directly.. 

I had an informal portfolio review last week, showed three small sets of two themes of work I’ve been working on to a gallery –seeking just their opinions and advice as to whether where I was going made any sense at all. 

They were very encouraging and gave me great ideas, which spurred me to look at those works with fresh eyes. One recommendation was simply, “More. We need to see more.” So I’ve been plunging into the file archives to bring up more of the work and render it. 

And while I have been deeply engaged in that process, I happened across this photo I made in 2001. 


It’s one of my favorites from that year and an idea that I now want to revisit more intensely. The many layers of imagery and nuance in it that I see (and which might be invisible to anyone else with just one photo! … how do I know? 😉 resonate in my mind’s eye. I think I can do it more effectively now, and have to give it a try.

New Things … looking for feedback. 

I’ve been participating on photo forums for more than a decade and a half. I’ve haphazardly saved a tonne of the responses I made to questions over the years and have recently started editing them into short articles that I can copy and paste when the same questions arise. Saves a lot of time vs rewriting the same answers over and over again … So I’ve rolled a few of them into PDF files and posted them to a new prototype page on my website. 

If you have an interest, the page is at 

There are seven short articles there now. I’d be very interested if anyone takes a look and has any feedback to offer. Email me or leave a comment here. 

Thanks in advance!
It’s been dark and cold these mornings of Winter 2010. So easy not to go for a walk in the pre-dawn chill, to enjoy the warmth of staying in bed or even just hanging out in my comfy chair while reading a good book. So easy … listening to the news on radio and television speaking dark things about jobs and economies and war. It has been dark, and that has been getting under my skin too much. 


A recent daty, late in the afternoon, after a lot of time spent at the computer once again. I headed off to Mountain View for a walk and a cup. Sitting in the cafe and enjoying my drink, I saw them working on their computers. I had to refrain from chuckling as I pulled out the camera, switched lenses and snapped the shutter. Simply too many good nuances … I was afraid I’d miss it the shot if I did anything to distract them from their reveries. Every time I look at it, I smile again.

I’ve been out walking mornings since. Enough of dark and winter: time to think of brighter things.